Esprit de Corps


Recipient: Michael Commons

October 29, 2024


Michael Commons was recognized with an Esprit de Corps award at the October 2024 LEO All Hands meeting. This award is one of the quarterly LEO Internal awards and was approved by the LEO Awards Board. The Esprit de Corps award was given in recognition of outstanding contributions to the NOAA-21 (JPSS-2) Solar Array Chassis Current Tiger Team investigation.

TDRS-M Launch Success

TDRS-M Launch Award 2017 Reduced

Recipient: Nicholas Teti

August 18, 2017


The Vertex Aerospace President/CEO has been supporting the NASA Space Network Project (Code 452) since 2002 providing extensive experience associated with the thermal control system of the TRW TDRS 3-7 satellites (Generation 1) and the Boeing TDRS 8-10 satellites (Generation 2) and the Boeing TDRS 11 through 13 satellites (Generation 3). Mr. Teti utilizes his experience and knowledge to monitor the health and safety of the thermal control systems for the Gen 1, 2 and 3 TDRS satellites while providing oversight of additional Vertex Aerospace thermal engineers providing analytical support to the Code 452 TDRS sustaining engineering team.

Robert H. Goddard Award for Excellence in Engineering

Nicholas Teti Robert H Goddard Award for Excellence in Engineering

Recipient: Nicholas Teti

January 12, 2016


This is a senior award given to the individual or team who has provided leadership in ground breaking space and aeronautics capability to the USA.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration


Recipient: Nicholas Teti

November, 2015


This prestigious NASA Silver Achievement Medal is awarded to Government and non-Government individuals or teams by NASA Center Directors for a stellar achievement that supports one or more of NASA's Core Values, when it is deemed to be extraordinarily important and appropriate to recognize such achievement in a timely and personalized manner.

SAE Forest R. McFarland Award

Forest McFarland Award

Recipient: Nicholas Teti



This award recognizes individuals for their sustained outstanding contributions toward the work of the SAE Engineering Events in the planning, development, and dissemination of technical information through technical meetings, conferences, and professional development programs at SAE events or outstanding contributions to event operations in facilitating or enhancing the interchanges of technical information.

Established in 1979, this award is administered by SAE Engineering Events and honors the late Forest R. McFarland who was himself an outstanding session organizer, a chairman of the Passenger Car Activity and a member of the Engineering Meetings Board. Funding for this award is through a bequest by McFarland to SAE and consists of a framed certificate presented at an appropriate event.